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Enough Meddling with Chen
February 2nd, 2004 Taiwan’s presidential election in March will be no run-of-the-mill contest. That is obvious from the standpoint of...
The Strategic Value of Taiwan
March 2nd, 2003 I What is strategy? To discuss the strategic importance of Taiwan is a delicate task. It is in itself delicate to discuss...
Hisahiko Okazaki’s Luncheon Speech in Taipei
August 22nd, 2002 I will try to give a long-term analysis of the world situation–one that many might say is outrageously long-term. I...
LEE’S VISA REQUEST Shame on the Government
April 20th, 2001 The Mori administration and the Foreign Ministry in particular have been taking an ambiguous attitude toward a request...
Status Quo Approach to Taiwan Needs Review
January 25th, 2000 “Maintaining the status quo” seems to be the latest catchphrase in discussions concerning Taiwan. If one asks those...
The Emperor has No Clothes
August 4th, 1999 The following is an edited keynote address by the Hon. Ambassador Hisahiko Okazaki, on July 27 at the International...
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